We are a Baptist church.
We believe in God the Father, who creates and sustains life.
We believe in Christ, God’s Son, who redeems believers and is the model for every aspect of our lives.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who works in our lives to lead us to God.
We believe each person is competent, under God, to make his or her own moral and religious decisions.
We believe salvation is the free gift of God through Jesus Christ who died on the cross--ours to accept or reject.
We believe the Bible is the inspired revelation of God, made complete in the life and teachings of Christ, and is our authority for faith and practice.
We believe in the freedom of each person, led by the Holy Spirit, to read and interpret the Scriptures.
We believe the local fellowship, under the leadership of Jesus Christ, has the freedom to shape its own life and mission, and ordain whom it perceives as gifted for ministry.
We believe the call to follow Christ is for all to accept and we welcome all persons to this fellowship.
We believe it is the mission of the fellowship to share the good news of Jesus Christ, calling all persons to repentance, faith, reconciliation, and hope.
We believe we are to observe the Lord’s Supper and baptism in obedience to Christ’s command, and as symbols of our redemption.
We believe it is our Christian privilege and obligation to forgive and restore a brother or sister who stumbles and to continue in a loving relationship.